
Mamiya RZ33 33-megapixel Camera

Mamiya RZ33 33-megapixel Camera

The Mamiya RZ33 is a new 33-megapixel large sensor digital camera, which is targeted at professional photographers. It is equipped with a dedicated digital camera body and a 48 x 36mm 33-mega pixel CCD sensor, an ISO 50-800 sensitivity range, a 1.1 frames-per-second burst rate, a 16-bit RAW files and a touchscreen digital control interface. The new RZ33 is also compatible with previous Mamiya RZ leaf-shutter lenses and fully compatible with all Mamiya RZ system lenses, viewfinders and most accessories. The brand new Mamiya RZ33 digital camera retails for $17,990. [TechJournal]

11 comentários:

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Well, Now A days, Mamiya also has a 40 and a 56 megapixel model available. The Mamiya RZ33 features a 33 Megapixel large-format sensor ISO 50-800, 12 f-stop dynamic range.


Clarence***RealityIsGoodEnoughForMe***Alexander said...

33 megapixels...WAO!!! With that resolution, you oughta be able to snap nude photos even when people got clothes on!! ah ha ha ha, talk about X RAY vision!!

Unknown said...

Excellent camera for snap shot.

Anonymous said...

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dangel smith said...

wow! very beautiful resolution.. thanks for sharing.

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