Canon IXUS 300 HS Review

Still remember the Canon IXUS 300 HS, which is also known as the SD4000 IS Digital ELPH? PhotographyBLOG has a comprehensive review of this compact digital camera. As a reminder, the Canon IXUS 300 HS features a back-illuminated 10-megapixel CMOS sensor, a 3 inch LCD screen, a 3.8x (28-106mm lens) with a fastest aperture of f/2.0 and optical image stabilizer, a 3.7 frames per second burst mode at full resolution, a 720p HD movie recording with stereo sound and an HDMI port. Here is the verdict:
With a 10 megapixel back-illuminated CMOS sensor and fast f/2.0 lens, the IXUS 300 HS was always going to deliver the goods in terms of image quality. Noise doesn’t rear its ugly head until ISO 800, with even the fastest 3200 setting proving usable, something that you can’t say about too many compact cameras, and chromatic aberrations are also well controlled. Only a slight softness in the corners and some barrel distortion at the 28mm wide-angle setting detract from an otherwise stellar performance.
Available in blasted steel silver, matt black, glossy white and high gloss red, the Canon IXUS 300 HS retails for $350 each.