Flip Video Ultra HD video review

What better way to give you a look at Flip Video's new Ultra HD camcorder than by reviewing it on video... shot with the Ultra HD. The specs are simple: 720p / 30 FPS, 8GB of storage on-board, HDMI out, and pretty much nothing else. Still, a camera this cheap ($199.99) and this small definitely has its uses. Of course, you'll probably be distracted (like we were) by the bad, bad image stabilization issues. But don't just read about it -- take a look at the gallery below to scope out what the thing looks like, then watch the videos after the break to hear (and see) our thoughts, and catch the cam in some heavier -- shakier -- action. Needless to say, both videos are available in HD.
Update: The videos should now be working properly. Sorry about that guys!
Update 2: Apparently YouTube is sucking right now and hasn't finished encoding the HD version of the review video, even though we upped about five hours ago. Awesome.
Continue reading Flip Video Ultra HD video review
(Via Engadget.)